I’m Dave, I am Registrar and Archive/Re-registration contact. I also organise the NEC stand. Email me on d_watson@btinternet.com

It is my job to collate and save as much information as possible relating to our great little cars, both old and new. This is normally in the form of written magazine articles, road tests, press photos, news paper clippings etc. Over the years I have built up a unique collection on behalf of the club which is available to all club members free!. I can normally be found (hanging around the burger van) at most micro-car events through out the year. I bring the entire library every year to the AGM. If any one wants to know or see any thing give me a call, I am only too happy to show off this much underused service.

I desperately need to know of any Isetta related articles that appear in newspapers and magazines so that a copy can be obtained for the library. It is almost impossible for me to look at every news paper/mag. Send a copy to me Dave Watson This would be a massive help, the club exists for the preservation of the cars, no matter how small the item/article is, it all contributes to continue to build this unique collection.

For details of how to re-register your car, click the link below.
