I have now been the elected committee member to liaise with the DVLA on behalf of club members for many years. Within this time I have built up an excellent relationship with the DVLA in Swansea and have had many successes. I can normally get an Isetta re-registered with it`s original number and back on the road providing the correct documentation and archive material is submitted to the DVLA with the application.

In the past there has been some confusion and some criticism from club members “not knowing what to do”. Within this article I hope to clarify and answer some frequently asked questions as well as outlining what happens “at the other end.”


When can I apply?

To re-claim an original number can be and normally is a very lengthy process. Applications can be made at any time but the vehicle must be complete. Authorisation to re-register cannot be given on disassembled vehicles.

What do I need to do?

For all vehicles not registered with the DVLA you will need to obtain the following forms from the DVLA. Either write to them or go online and download them from:

FORM V55/5

FORM V765.

If you are intending to licence the vehicle enter “HISTORIC” in question two on form V55/5 and leave questions three, four and eleven blank.

Complete the forms as far as you can. Then send to me with the following documents:

1) Clear photographs of the front, rear, and side (angle) of the car showing the current condition and the registration number. On the back of these photographs should be written the chassis and engine number(s) together with the registration number, signed by the applicant.

2) The old style log book, or any other documentary evidence ideally showing a direct link between the chassis number and the registration: (i.e. MOT certificate, Tax disc, garage receipts etc.) The more evidence presented the stronger the application will be.

N.B.: All documents submitted must be dated during or before 1983 to qualify. I will then Copy the documents and send only Authenticated copy’s (stamped up by me) to the DVLA with your application. This will also eliminate the small risk of documents getting lost in the post. Please remember when sending original documents to me to use registered post. I can’t be held responsible for any documents being lost in the post. Since the closure of the local VRO offices nationwide in Dec. 2013 this is now the only option for your application.

What happens then?

What I then do is check the documentation and any history the club may hold on the vehicle within the data base, prepare the application, one final check that everything is in order and then send everything to the DVLA, complete with a covering letter. I have found you can wait anything up to six months for a reply, (you can`t hurry these people!). I always put a contact ‘phone number (my own) for the DVLA if there are any problems, normally there are one or two conversations before a final decision is made. Then, whatever the outcome, both the owner and I are informed of the decision by post. Normally it is good news. If this is the case, I will write back to the owner informing them (if they do not already know) that the application was successful. Unfortunately if it is bad news, the DVLA decision is final. The only other option available is to then apply for an “age related number” - which again I can help obtain. Occasionally we find that a number has been lost due to the fact that it has been re-issued as a “private” plate. In these cases, although very rare, there is nothing that can be done.

NB: I will advise an owner if he/she does not have a strong application before I apply, (and before cashing their cheque), warning them that the outcome may not be good. This way it gives the owner more time to locate vital missing information or apply only for an age related number. I will only advise, the final decision to apply is with the owner. The DVLA will not issue numbers with little or no evidence.

Once the DVLA have approved an application they will issue a new V5c (log-book) direct to the owner. The vehicle can then be taxed in the normal way at the nearest issuing post office.

NB: Once the tax disc has been issued the vehicle then falls into CR (continuous registration), CIE (Continuous Insurance enforcement) and SORN (statutory off road notification) regulations. ….oh deep joy.



What is an Age-related number?

An age related number is one that was originally allocated to an area of the UK but never got issued. Typically these areas were in Scotland, where there were a relatively low number of new vehicles registered each year, therefore there was a surplus of unused numbers. These numbers are now being used up and I think look more authentic than a “Q” plate.

When can I apply?

The application and issue of “age-related” numbers is a much easier and faster process than the original number retention. This option will only be used when either the DVLA have totally rejected an application, or there is very little or no pre-1983 documentary evidence linking the chassis number with the registration number. The vehicle must be complete, insured and have a current MOT.

What do I need to do?

As before, obtain:

FORM V765.

Complete the form as far as you can and send to me with the following documents:

1) Clear photographs of the front, rear, and side (angle) of the car showing the current condition and the registration mark. On the back of these photographs should be written the chassis and engine number(s) and signed by the applicant.

2) Any other documentary evidence as before.

What happens then?

What I will then do is assess the documentation that has been sent. I will produce a dating certificate using the club records stating the year and sometimes (if possible) the month the vehicle was manufactured. Other information will include the current owner’s name, vehicle colour and any other relevant information. Form V765 will also be completed. Then, everything will be sent back to the owner.


What do I do then?

What you must then do is send the documents to the DVLA in Swansea and State that you would like an age related number issued and that you have all the relevant paperwork. They will allocate a previously unused number to your vehicle and send you a new Log book (V5c) document. You can then get the new number plates made up, tax it as above and start using your Isetta!

NB: All re-registered and age-related numbers are issued on a non-transferable basis. This way the mark will always stay with the vehicle.

Recently I have been invited by the DVLA to join in (together with other Owners` Clubs) and have a say on behalf of our Club as to how we would like things to operate, as well as airing any problems. Already this is having effect because at present the DVLA are considering an appeals procedure (much overdue). However they are also considering making an additional charge to some applications, something that would have to be paid on top of the charge the club already has to make. The latter proposal, I believe is being opposed by most other Owners Clubs but could happen. I will do my best not to let it happen on behalf of our club. As well as offering re-registration with original and age related numbers, I can help and provide assistance with dating certificates for getting the correct date of manufacture on your V5c log book. If your car has been re-registered and given a new registration number for any reason in the past, that date has appeared on some V5c documents and is wrong. This can be changed. In such cases please contact me first so an assessment can be made as each is normally different. We also now have a very accurate idea when the last car was manufactured in 1959 thus making it eligible for no annual MOT. There are many 1960 registered cars out there that were in fact manufactured in 1959 and not needing an MOT!! Please contact me if you would like yours checked.

In all cases you cannot deal direct with the DVLA. They will always in the case of Isetta, 6 and 700`s refer you to me. Below are the current administration charges the club make to cover postage costs etc.:

Please make cheques payable to “The Isetta Owners Club of GB Ltd”


There is an incentive scheme in place stating that any non-member who uses any of the above services can get a discount of £8.00 off his/her FIRST years membership if they join the club before the application is sent to the DVLA. I do get quite a few letters from non-members and we should not discourage them for the sake of the cars, but encourage them to join the club and get involved. No individual profits from Moines paid to the club for these services. You will only pay once; I will try all options until your car has a registration with which you are happy. I do try to answer all of your letters/e-mails within one week of receiving them. Finally, please remember I do represent you the membership, and am always happy to help wherever I can. If anyone would like to know more, or has any questions or comments you will find me at most of the micro-car events throughout the year. Alternatively write or e-mail, my address is in the front inside cover of the Gazette and on the web site.

Remember the golden rule:


Dave Watson.

Club Members

Non Members

Full Re-Registration



Age Related Number



V5 Date Change

