Members tell us that one of the main reasons for joining the Club is to solve the problem of obtaining spare parts. It is the aim of the Club to establish and maintain a good spares service for the re-
We also attempt to bring together Isetta owners either by way of regular meetings or rallies, or simply by way of a Club magazine.
New members enrolling pay the subscription, plus a once only registration fee which funds the purchase of spare parts, including secondhand and used parts .
You will see from the heading, that we are a Company, Limited by Guarantee. Please be sure to read the Rules & Constitution, in order to understand what this means to all members new and old.
Please make cheques payable to the 'I. 0. C. of G.B. Ltd", or if you wish to pay by PayPal the address is
If you have any queries about the membership, or would like to know anything else about the Club or services, please write to the membership secretaries. One last thing, we appreciate it very much if you would include an S.A.E. in any postal correspondence with any Club official.
When you become a member of the IOCOGB you will have access to these services
The Isetta Club holds a considerable amount of spare parts running into over 1000 items. The Club is always looking for new spares and re-
The Club has a used parts service from which you can obtain parts that are not available new or major components at reasonable prices.
Have you spent ages looking for an Isetta, tried everywhere, almost given up, or spent a fortune on adverts?
Every Isetta Gazette has a "For Sale and Wanted” section where members advertise free of charge, not only for a car but also for spares, help to complete a rebuild, or for a member to help sort out the tea chests full of bits that are reputed to be a complete car if you only knew where to start.
The Club register is an attempt to trace the details of as many as possible of the thirty thousand Isettas built at the Brighton Works, whilst at the same time keeping records of all the other cars that come into the Club. In order to achieve anything at all it is necessary to ask members to supply relevant details of their cars. This is requested as part of the membership application or renewal forms. So do please fill in all the details of your car or forward them to the Club when you acquire a vehicle.
The Isetta Club technical adviser helps to sort out the problems you encounter running and looking after your cars, or rebuilding them, from a major rebuild or overhaul to the problem of removing stubborn components. He may possibly be able to tell you where the bolts that get left over from the rebuild belong!
The ISETTA OWNERS CLUB of GREAT BRITAIN LTD. Cannot accept liability to any loss or damage resulting from articles, features or advertisements or any other material published on these web pages.